BBC News Predicts U.K. In 2020 Will Be Most Divided Country In Europe


The U.K. is one of the most diverse countries in Europe, but that doesn’t mean it’s immune to the rising tensions and fractures are seen elsewhere in the continent. BBC News reports that by 2020, the U.K. will be the most divided country in Europe, with differences between social classes, generations, and regions on a sharp increase. This trend will likely continue as the country undergoes unprecedented political and social change. While some may see this as wrong, others see it as an opportunity to start fresh and build something new. Watching how this affects the country and its people in 2020 and beyond will be interesting.


According to a study by BBC News, the United Kingdom will be the most divided country in Europe by 2020 due to Brexit and other political tensions. The study found that there will be increased polarisation of politics, with the gap between rich and poor widening and social divisions increasing. It said that while many countries face challenges, the UK is “in a different league” because of Brexit. The report noted that: “Brexit has already triggered big changes. The UK is now more divided than any other European country we have studied, with social divisions growing and the gaps between rich and poor widening.”


The study also found that immigration was one of the main drivers of division in the UK, with many people feeling pushed out by newcomers. It added that Brexit only worsened things, creating “a toxic mix of anger, resentment, and fear.” The report warned that Britain could become “the most divided country in Europe by 2020” if things continue like this.

The Factors Driving the Division

According to a new report from BBC News, the United Kingdom is expected to be the most divided country in Europe by 2020. The report cites factors such as Brexit, the rise of far-right parties, and increasing social and ethnic tensions as evidence that the UK is heading into turmoil. The report warns that this division could severely affect the country’s economy and political stability.


Brexit has been one of the main drivers of division in the UK. The referendum on whether or not to stay in the European Union resulted in a highly divisive campaign, with Leave campaigning on promises of increased sovereignty for the UK and reduced ties to Brussels. Since then, there has been extensive political and economic fallout from Brexit, with negotiations over how Britain will leave the EU ongoing. This uncertainty has contributed to growing social and ethnic tensions in Britain, with many groups feeling left behind by Brexit negotiations.


The rise of far-right parties in Europe also contributes to growing divisions in Britain. These parties are typically Eurosceptic (believe that the European Union is bad for Europe) and nationalist (believe that national identity is more important than global identities), which has led them to appeal to voters who feel alienated by mainstream politics. In Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Poland, and France – all countries where far-right parties have made significant gains in recent years – there are concerns that these parties could fuel further unrest if they win seats in parliament after next year’s elections.

What the Future Holds for the U.K

The United Kingdom is predicted to be the most divided country in Europe by 2030. The study, carried out by the think tank Civitas, found that there will be a “significant increase” in social divisions between those who are “well off” and those who are not. This will be partly due to Brexit, as poorer areas of the country will be more adversely impacted by increased restrictions on migration. The report also predicts racial and religious tensions will increase, with Muslims the most likely group to suffer discrimination.


The BBC news website has published a blog post predicting that by 2020, the U.K. will be the most divided country in Europe. According to the article, Brexit and other political issues have created a division climate that will only increase over the next few years. The author suggests that there are several steps that everyone in Britain can take to help reduce tensions and foster unity: open communication, listening to each other, working together towards common goals, and being respectful of different opinions. Hopefully, these suggestions will help make 2020 a better year for all of Britain’s citizens!

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